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Letters to the Editor

Teach A Kid to Fish event successful
The Ocean Pines Anglers Club held a successful Teach A Kid To Fish event on Saturday, June 18 and wants to thank our sponsors, the Ocean City-Berlin Optimist Club and the Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association (MSSA) for proving financial support for this event.
We also thank the Maryland Natural Resources Police for providing all sorts of handouts and helpful information booklets for the kids, the Ocean Pines Fire Department for safety standby and the Ocean Pines Association for great logistic and advertising support.
Walt Boge,

Ocean Pines Vote ‘no’ on closed ballot counting
Apparently an OPA Board resolution authorizes OPA’s Election Committee to count the votes in the upcoming election of directors in a “closed session” pursuant to Maryland’s Homeowners’ Act, Section 11B-211(4) (i), discussion of matters pertaining to employees and personnel.
Not only does this raise the question of how candidacy for office makes a person an “employee” or “personnel” of OPA when, even if elected, that person will not receive any salary, bonuses, medical coverage, vacation or retirement. It is also contrary to the U.S. 4th Circuit (which includes Maryland) Court of Appeals ruling in Kerr vs. Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. that a director is not an employee of a corporation.
That decision is cited in “Maryland Employment Law” 2nd edition (2012), by LexusNexus, should the board care to review it. In any event, OPA’s Board should act promptly to rescind its “closed session” resolution, because OPA is in an indefensible position.
George Colburn
Ocean Pines