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School children learn about mass shootings

As parents become more vocal about what they believe children should be taught in school, they may not have given much thought to what their kids have been learning: that they can be shot in their classrooms for no reason. That has to be a more of a problem for young minds — and parents… Read more »

Fire depts. must be reimbursed for calls

Two or three decades ago, local volunteer fire departments were flourishing in terms of membership and finances. People wanted to join them not just for the sake of the community, but also for the prestige associated with what was then one of every town’s most powerful organizations. They were politically powerful, socially connected and, because… Read more »

Planners face tough problem with growth

As the Town of Berlin begins to reassess the direction of its 10-year comprehensive plan, the question officials, their advisers and residents will have to answer is how large can a small town become before it turns into something else. Exactly what that something else might be is subject to debate, since the definition of… Read more »

Towns, OP and county play annual tax game

When Worcester County Commissioner Chip Bertino said one of the budget requests from the Town of Berlin on Tuesday shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of county taxpayers, he overlooked a significant point — Berlin taxpayers are county taxpayers too. All taxpayers in Worcester’s municipalities are also county taxpayers, and they contribute a huge portion of… Read more »

Letter to the Editor

Speed camera spot suggestion Editor, Since the Town of Berlin is exploring locations for speed control cameras, I believe Old Ocean City Boulevard between Route 113 and Route 50 should be added to the list. The road is less than half a mile from Stephen Decatur high and middle schools. Also on the street are… Read more »