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Wor. commission seeking noms for Women of Tomorrow

(Jan. 15, 2015) The Women of Tomorrow Awards honor young women who have made significant and outstanding contributions to their communities.  
The awards are based on community service, demonstrated leadership, commitment to and pursuit of academic and future goal achievements.
The Worcester County Commission for Women seeks nominations for young women who will be recognized as Women of Tomorrow at the Women’s History Month Luncheon to be held on March 18, at the Clarion Hotel on 101st Street in Ocean City.
The women will be honored in three groups: Grades 7-8, Grades 9-10 and Grades 11-12. Two awards are given for each grade level, first place and honorable mention.
Nomination forms may be obtained by calling L. Eloise Henry-Gordy at 443-235-3214. Nominations are due no later than Jan. 31.