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OC Power Squadron to host new boating course, Sept. 15

(Aug. 27, 2015) The Ocean City Power Squadron (OCPS) will present the all new America’s Boating Course at the Worcester County library, Ocean Pines Branch, 11107 Cathell Road, on Tuesday, Sept. 15.  
Registration is at 6:30 p.m. followed by the first class at 7 p.m. the same evening. This is an eight-hour course, 7-9 p.m. each evening.
Anyone born after July 1, 1972 must satisfactorily complete a safe boating class to operate a recreational vessel or personal watercraft (PWC) in Maryland.
This course covers basic boat handling, navigation, federal and state regulations, rules of the road, aids to navigation, required equipment and more.
Students successfully completing this course may be eligible for six months free membership in the Ocean City Power Squadron.
Many courses pertaining to safe boating and navigation are available to Squadron members such as: piloting, weather, electronics, marine engine maintenance, GPS/VHF radio seminars as well as interesting boating, social and civic activities.
This course is free. There is a nominal charge for course materials. Call 410-726-1509, 410-641-6535 or 410-641-8940 for advance registration information.
Visit for more information on upcoming courses, dates and other events.