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County Briefs

The Worcester County Commissioners also discussed the following issues during their most recent regular meeting.
Solid waste overview
EA Consulting provided the commissioners with a snapshot “state of the union” presentation highlighting the county’s solid waste program.
The overview explained how the current system operates and what measures will need to be taken in the short and long term to sustain it.
Of concern was the construction of Cell 5 of the central landfill, which needs to be built sooner rather than later. Also of note was the closing of the Berlin rubblefill, where EA’s Darl Kolar said there would be a gap in time between the closing of the Berlin facility and the opening of the replacement.
Groundwater monitoring
Immediately following the solid waste overview, the commissioners awarded EA the contract for continuing to monitor Worcester County’s groundwater at a cost of a bit less than $16,800.
When Commissioner A. Chip Bertino expressed discomfort about awarding a contract without putting it to bid, Director of Public Works John Tustin said county staff was not able to perform the monitoring duties by itself.
Several other commissioners joined Bertino in concern over the process of the contract, and Tustin agreed to provide a more comprehensive presentation in two years at the end of this contract.
Beach replenishment
Worcester County’s portion of the beach replenishment bill totaled $137,546.47 this year, which was reduced by $250,000 due to the federal government picking up 2013’s bill because of Hurricane Sandy as well as $112,453.53 in accrued interest applied to the current bill.
Dump truck
A bid of $91,710 for a dump truck to be used by the Water and Wastewater division from Barr International was accepted. Director John Tustin said none of the bids met all the criteria as listed, but the bids met the “spirit” of the criteria and said the differences wouldn’t be an issue. The department had budgeted $115,000 for the purchase.
Nat. Mentoring Month
January was recognized and proclaimed National Mentoring Month and recognized Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake.